Clyde Low Memorial

Mr. Low (whose first name was Max but who went by Clyde) was born in New York City in 1921, the son of a doctor and the youngest of four siblings. World War II interrupted studies at Columbia University so he joined the Army where he supervised translation of Japanese documents. After the war, he served on active duty in Japan as a lecturer and promoter of democracy. When he returned he completed his master?s degree in international relations at Columbia University and worked as a foreign affairs officer for the State Department and the U.S. Information Agency. Afterward, he began graduate work at UCLA in education where he met his future wife.

The two moved to Northern California where he taught social studies at community colleges, studied the teaching of fine arts and crafts, and received his librarianship credential. They moved to Vallejo where he began his stint as reference librarian at Solano Community College. When they moved to Green Valley in 1970, Clyde began to do the research that would become his life?s work. It was also at this time that Clyde became politically active in the area, beginning a fight that would continue until his last days, to persuade the citizens of Solano County to preserve important natural habitats and open space. Clyde knew the names of all the local fauna and flora by heart and was a passionate hiker and explorer of the area. He was often the go-to guy for journalists and researchers interested in the history of Solano County. His stories about Chief Solano, the Dingley Mill, and other issues of local historical interest have graced a number of local newspapers and magazines during the past 30 years, including The Solano Historian. He also helped found the Solano Archives Commission and was an active member of the Solano Historical Society. It is for this work, as well as for his profound love of the natural world and his advocacy for open space that Mr. Low wished to be remembered.

This scholarship was established by James DeKloe in 2005 to honor his friend and colleague. Clyde Low passed away in 2009 at the age of 87.
