The Forever Hope Scholarship

The Forever Hope Scholarship is provided to help a returning student who has had a break of 5 years or more in their college education studies. The student must be pursuing an area of study in Communications or Journalism. Students previously enrolled at Solano or any other college will be eligible to apply for this scholarship. There will be one award of $500. There is a one page essay required about the student’s declared major and why they are interested in that field.

Andrea Garcia
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you had a break in your college education studies of 5 years or more?
  2. How long was your break in your college education studies?
  3. Are you a Communications or Journalism major?
  4. Please include a one page essay about your declared major and why you are interested in that field
  5. To qualify for this scholarship you must upload your Fall semester enrollment summary.