Janna Besh Memorial Scholarship

The Janna Besh Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student
a) who is planning to major in Environmental Studies, or any other major related to protecting the environment. (For example anything related to construction/building, public policy, law, engineering, community studies, etc. and a stated interest of using the knowledge/planned degree to works towards improving the environment)
b) who has a history of volunteering or working to improve the environment in Solano County.

Janna Besh was a longtime resident of Vallejo, and worked for over a decade as a CalWorks eligibility worker for Solano County. In her retirement she founded an organization called The Solano Green Alliance. Janna had ambitious goals for her enterprise: she envisioned a construction company that focused on energy efficiency, an auto shop specializing in the repair of alternative fuel vehicles, a restaurant that prepared locally grown sustainable foods and more. Janna passed away before many of her dreams could be realized, but in a short time she was able to develop a garden program in Vallejo schools, she led waterfront clean-up efforts, and she became a vocal leader of the environmental movement in Solano County. The goal of this scholarship is to help fund scholars and activists as they continue the fight to protect our environment in Solano County.
