James K. "Doc" Hollister Memorial Scholarship

James K. Hollister was a dedicated doctor, enthusiastic public servant and devoted family man. Born in 1922 in Fresno, CA, James K. Hollister, M.D. completed his pre-med studies at Fresno State College and earned his medical degree at George Washington University Medical; School in Washington, D.C. He was certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Board of Hypnosis, and completed special studies under the auspices of the American College of Sports Medicine. “Doc” Hollister was a Kaiser physician for over 30 years, retiring in 1984. After that he still continued practicing medicine with the Solano Public Health Department until shortly before his death in 2008.
“Doc” Hollister was equally committed to public service. He gave his free time and energy to the youth of Solano County as a coach, team manager, and friend. He served as coach and manger of numerous youth athletic teams for Vallejo Little League, Vallejo Babe Ruth and Senior Babe Ruth Leagues, Western Amateur Baseball, Joe DiMaggio League Baseball, and Pop Warner Football. He also served on the Greater Vallejo Recreation District Board of Directors. He was inducted into the Vallejo Sorts Hall of Fame in 2006.
For more than 30 years, “Doc” served the team physician for the Vallejo and Hogan High Schools and the Solano Community College football teams, requesting that the pay he would have earned be returned to the school’s athletic departments. For more than 20 years he performed free physicals for student athletes. The SCC football stadium and the Sports Medicine Center are named after him. He was inducted into the College’s Hall of Fame in 1996.
Dr. Hollister was a passionate advocate and supporter of public education, and he readily donated his time and skills. He served as a guest lecturer at Solano College and the California Maritime Academy. He was a charter member of the Solano Community College Governing Board. He served four terms, including being president of the Board. He was instrumental in the establishment of the College District, the location and construction of the campus at Rockville, and the expansion of the College’s curriculum and services to Vallejo residents.
Although all of these activities kept him very busy, he still found plenty of time for his family and friends. He was immensely proud of his five children and actively participated in their lives as father, coach and mentor. According to his children, he rarely criticized, and he never judged.
Throughout his life, “Doc” Hollister was known as a man of remarkable modesty. He told his children he decided to become an OBGYN because he loved bringing new life into the world. But he always had wanted to be a teacher. Although many groups honored him for the contributions he made to his community, he never felt he had done anything special to earn the attention.
