SCCSFF Spring Nursing Awards

The Solano Community College Scholarship Foundation Fund offers three scholarship opportunities each spring for students completing their R.N. degrees. Two of these, the Richard E. Green Award for Perseverance and the Dr. Carolyn Anne Green Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing were established Richard Green. Richard Green, a faculty member at Solano 1966-1993, is a longtime supporter of Solano’s nursing progam. Carolyn Anne Green, was a faculty nursing instructor at Solano Community College. Mr. Green’s daughter, sister, and mother were all nurses

The Richard E. Green Award for Individual Perseverance. This award was established in 2011 to recognize a student who successfully completed the Registered Nursing Program at Solano College. The student must have made extraordinary efforts to complete the Nursing Program under extreme difficulties such as monetary, or family situations which would in most cases cause the student to withdraw from the program. Through sheer determination, the student found ways to complete the program.

The Dr. Carolyn Anne Green Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing was established to honor the memory and contributions of Anne Green, PhD, RN. Anne Green taught in the Nursing Program at Solano Community College from 1971 until her untimely death in 1995.

As an instructor in the Nursing Program, Anne taught in every semester of the Nursing Program. She was committed, not only to her students and patients, but also to all of the students enrolled in the Nursing Program. Anne was an innovative instructor, always seeking to bring out the best in her students while simultaneously promoting excellence within the profession. She was the driving force behind the nursing preceptorship in the fourth semester because of her participation in the Kellogg Foundation Nursing Grant. Anne Green also fostered and promoted in-depth collaboration between nursing service and nursing education, resulting in the development of the Clinical nursing performance Nursing exams administered at Solano Community College.

As a result of her dedication and commitment to nursing and nursing education, the graduates of Solano’s Nursing program are sought after and recognized as being skilled professionals. This scholarship is awarded annually to the graduating nurse who not only has attained a high GPA but also reflects the high aspirations of the nursing field and possesses the capacity to be a force in the future of Nursing.

The Phuong Le Memorial scholarship in Nursing is awarded in memory of Phuong Le, a student in the Registered Nursing Program at Solano Community College, ready to graduate, when she was tragically murdered.

Phuong Le is remembered as an independent individual who liked to help people and cared a lot for her family. She had dedicated most of her life to helping out her family and to education, with the goal of becoming a registered nurse. She spent most of her time studying and performing family chores. During her free times, Phuong liked to read and listen to music. She had a very strong desire for knowledge.

Supplemental Questions
  1. The Richard E. Green Award for Individual Perseverance is awarded to a student who completes the Registered Nursing Program at Solano. Please write an essay describing how you overcame extreme difficulties (such as monetary or family situations) to successfully complete the RN program.
  2. This award is given to a student who is completing the RN program at Solano this spring. Will you complete the RN program this spring?